Research and Development

Research Overview


Research at RSR RCET Bhilai relies on the motivated intellectual manpower pool available among its faculty members and students. It promotes research among its staff and students. Research Development Cell (RDC) has been established with the Dean (R&D) as the Chair and HODs as members.

Students undertake research projects as a component of their education programme itself. Teachers conduct research as an integral part of their responsibilities since this enables them to assimilate and disseminate the knowledge as well as generate new knowledge.

At RSR RCET Bhilai, the staff and students are encouraged to publish their findings in reputed journals and present papers at conferences. In order to encourage excellence in research and innovation, cash rewards are given to faculty members for publishing papers in SCI/Scopus/UGC indexed journals. Financial support is also given to faculty members for presenting papers in the conferences and attending STTPs/workshops/seminars thereby can establish network with experts from India and abroad. Output on the other hand constitutes quality publications, patents, consultancy, MoUs, citations, distinguished awards/honours received by faculty and research scholars, and diverse research products and processes that enhance the quality of life and well-being of the society at large.

To promote research, RSR RCET Bhilai conducts AVISHKAR every year for students and organizing an conferences. We offered PhD degrees in Computer Science & Engineering.

Research Facilities

All the departments have state-of-the-art research and lab facilities. Apart from that, staff and students can also avail the research facilities of CSVTU, Bhilai. The researchers are also provided with library facilities and internet access to pursue their research work. Establishing new facilities and upgrading the existing ones is a continuous process.

The RSR campus is also equipped with free Wi-Fi, online journals, e-books, and international and national journals. The undergraduate labs have been well equipped to carry out minor research projects. The institute also has a well-resourced central library, internet and computers. Every department has departmental library and audio-visual facility to pursue research.

The following are a few of the salient features of the research policy

  • Provide optimum facilities to researchers
  • Purchase equipment, upgrade labs, and subscribe e-journals
  • Initiated the establishment of Innovation centre
  • Collaborated with other institutions for research

Ph.D Programme

The institute, apart from establishing a robust teaching environment, is keen to facilitate and support cutting edge research in a variety of areas. This aspect will enable the students to acquaint themselves with the latest developments in their respective areas of study and to pursue their own research interests. The institute offers PhD programme in a wide range of areas in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management. RSR RCET Bhilai is a research centre under CSVTU, Bhilai. The broad objective of the PhD programme is not only to keep pace with the expanding frontiers of knowledge but also to provide research training relevant to the present social and economic objectives of the country.

The academic programme leading to PhD degree is broad based and involves a one semester course work and course work examination. After clearing the course work, the scholar has to submit his research proposal and present it before Research Degree Committee (RDC) for registration. From the date of registration, the scholar is supposed to complete his work within four academic years. The candidate should have publications in SCI/Scopus/UGC indexed journals. The institute also encourages research in interdisciplinary areas through a system of joint supervision and interdepartmental group activities. Following departments have research centre for Ph.D.

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