Computer Science and Engineering                Intake - 120


To create a dynamic, recognized educational and research hub that produces innovative, ethical, and socially responsible engineers who shape the future of technology and positively impact society.


  • To provide exceptional education in computer science and engineering through B.Tech and M.Tech programs that foster intellectual growth, critical thinking, and technical expertise.
  • To cultivate ethical leaders and innovators in the field of computer science and engineering through rigorous academic programs, research endeavors, and a focus on ethical values.
  • To empower our students to tackle complex challenges, drive technological innovations, and make a positive impact on society, industry, and academia.
  • To build a diverse and inclusive community of computer scientists and engineers.
  • To prepare our graduates to be socially responsible, culturally aware, and technically proficient professionals.


"Computer Science & Engineering" is to prepare students to undertake careers involving innovation and problem solving using computational techniques and technologies, or to undertake advanced studies for research careers or to take up Entrepreneurship. Department of Computer Science and Engineering has a mission to empower every student to be industrious, creative and quality conscious in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by imparting quality education and inculcating human values. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced with specialization in Networking, Algorithms, Data Mining, Image Processing, Software Engineering, Natural language processing, Computer graphics, Web Technology, Embedded systems, Evolutionary computing, Network security, Wireless sensor networks etc. Students are given proper exposure to current trends including embedded system design, network management and administration, extreme programming, software architecture, sensor networks, grid computing, soft computing etc. through workshops, guest lectures & seminars by industry experts, industry visits. Department has well equipped laboratories with high speed internet facilities through leased line and WiFi facility and Software tools available in the computer laboratories.

Computer Science Engineering | Rungta group of colleges, Bhilai


  • PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


  • To enable undergraduate computer science and engineering students to master core theoretical and practical concepts, preparing them for a wide range of technology-related careers.
  • To foster creative problem-solving skills in undergraduate students, encouraging them to develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges within the field.
  • To promote ethical and responsible computing practices among undergraduate students, emphasizing the importance of security, privacy, and societal well-being in their work.


  • PSO1: Graduates will possess a strong foundation in core computer science principles, including algorithms, data structures, programming languages, computer organization, and software engineering.
  • PSO2: Graduates will be proficient in analyzing complex problems and designing efficient and innovative solutions using computational thinking, algorithmic techniques, and appropriate data structures.
  • PSO3: Graduates will be skilled programmers in various programming languages and paradigms, capable of developing software applications ranging from web and mobile apps to system-level software.









  • In previous year department has got affiliation of new branch as Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in which we have B.Tech, M.Tech, & Diploma.
  • Students Project Proposal got selected in Smart India Hackathon – 2022
  • One student qualified GATE – 2022 exam during pre final year.
  • 4 students got selected for Internship from CSE 8th sem.
  • 5 students from B.Tech CSE 6th sem got selected for in house internship.
  • This year proposal of research center was also processed in University.


  • Guest Lecture on Data Science ( Speaker – Dr. Mridu Sahu, NIT Raipur)
  • Webinar on Cyber Security ( Speaker – Dr. Sk. Subid Ali, IIT Bhilai)
  • Webinar on Machine Learning ( Speaker – Dr. Aakanksha Sharaff, NIT Raipur)
  • Webinar on “Journey of Entrepreneur” ( Speaker - Mr. Sumit Sabharwal. CEO, A & S Creations. New Delhi)
  • Webinar on “ Career Opportunities in Cloud Computing” ( Speaker – Mr. Praveen Shrivas, AWS Consultant, Delloitte )
  • Webinar on “ Agile Methodology for Software Development” ( Speaker – Ms. Swati Shukla , Sr. Analyst-Scrum Master, Western Union)
  • Two days workshop & Hands on training on “ Visual Data Analysis using Python” ( Speaker - Mr. Rajarshi Shukla , Reporting Analyst , Triplefin, Cincinnati, OH, USA)
  • One day FDP on “ Assessing & Installation of Virtual Lab – IIT Roorkee” ( Speaker – IIT Roorkee Virtual Lab Team)
  • One day workshop & hands on training on Computer Hardware & Networking ( Trainer – Mr. Sumit Sharma)


  • Programming with C Lab
  • Data Structure Lab
  • Java Programming Lab
  • Database Management System Lab
  • GUI Programming Lab
  • Network Simulation Lab
  • Web Application Development Lab
  • Android Lab
  • Simulation Lab
  • Artificial Intelligence Lab
  • Machine Learning Lab
  • R Programming Lab
  • Research Lab
  • Operating System Lab
  • Computer Hardware Maintenance & Networking Lab
  • Software Technology Lab


Name of StudentName of Company
Karan Singh Visa Incorporation
Rukhsar Firdousi Tcs Hongkong
Ashish Sakharkar Tcs Bangalore
Hemanjali Sood Tcs Ahmedabad
Arpita Mandal Tcs Ahmedabad
Himanshu Singh Cognizent
Shri Narayan Yadav Branch Manager
Chhabilal Moi Teleperformance
Neha Gupta Teleperformance
Pranjali Pandey Teleperformance
Simran Malhotra Teleperformance
Diksha Tripathi Teleperformance
A Niharika Teleperformance
Diksha Daharwal Teleperformance
Shipra Pandey Teleperformance
Pooja Singj Teleperformance
Aashish Kumar Teleperformance
Monika Gill Teleperformance
Dhruti Thakkar Teleperformance
Soumya Sundrani Teleperformance
Ritu Kumari Teleperformance
Rahul Samantara Teleperformance
Priyotosh Bagchi Teleperformance
Simran Malhotra Collabera
Pallavi Singh Collabera
Ishan Baweja Collabera
Aakanksha Aharwal Collabera
Dhruti Thakkar Collabera
Karan Singh Rajput Collabera
Himanjali Sood Jain Software
Lokesh Raghav Jain Software
Natasha Dutta Motif
Aripta Sen Motif
Rashmi Nayak Motif
Kiran Patnaik Motif
Manish Choudhary Motif
Arpita Sen Collabera
Hemanjali Sood Collabera
Khushbu Sardar Techmahindra
Poonam Techmahindra
Akash Verma Techmahindra
Khushboo Tanwar Techmahindra
Anjali Sharma Techmahindra
Anjali Kapoor Techmahindra
Ashish Sakharkar Techmahindra
Chhaya Sahu Techmahindra
Jayshrbe In Electrical Engineering Chandak Techmahindra
Payal Thakre Techmahindra
Rajiv Banchhor Techmahindra
Rashmi Nayak Techmahindra
Sambe In Electrical Engineeringr Trimade Techmahindra
Vivek Kumar Tiwari Techmahindra
R Kavya Motif
Jai Prakash Sahu Motif


S.No Title of paper Faculty Name Department of the Faculty Name of Journal Year of publication ISSN number
1 ENERGY EFFICIENT ROUTING STRUCTURE FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Navnita Sakharkar, Kusum Sharma, Anil Kumar Pandey CSE International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engineering Technology 2019 2321-9653
2 AUTONOMIC MULTI-HOP COST-BASED ENERGY EFFICIENT BALANCED ROUTING STRUCTURE FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Navnita Sakharkar, Kusum Sharma, Anil Kumar Pandey CSE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2019 2349-5162
3 `A REVIEW ON CLOUD COMPUTING AND NETWORK SECURITY Md. Roshan Zameer, Anil Kumar Pandey, Kusum Sharma CSE International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research (, ISSN: 2020 2348-1196
4 DEVELOPING AN ALGORITH TO DETECT MALWARE IN CLOUD Md. Roshan Zameer, Anil Kumar Pandey, Kusum Sharma CSE International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (, ISSN: 2020 2395-0056
5 EFFICIENT CLASSIFICATION AND REGRESSION TECHNIQUE TO PREDICT CROP YIELD Nishchal Adil, Somesh Kumar Dewangan, Kusum Sharma CSE International Journal Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2020 2278-3075
6 A Review Paper On SECURED UNIQUE JOINT FEATURE BASED SUPRVISED MULTIMODAL Divya Pandey, Priyanka Pitale, Kusum Sharma CSE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2020 2349-5162
8 Review - Convolutional Neural Network For Object Detection Kusum Sharma CSE International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing 2021 2321 –4392
9 Identification of Objects For Visually Impaired Persons Using CNN Kusum Sharma CSE International Journal of Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) 2021 2321 – 404X
10 Considerable Issues Over Intelligent Plagiarism Detection Methods Page nos 85-96 Shikha Pandey1, Dr Arpana Rawal2 CSE International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 Volume 119 No. 7 1311-8080
11 An Improved NLP Approach for Detection of Plagiarism in Scientific Paper pp. 6733-6737 Shikha Pandey1, Dr Arpana Rawal2 CSE International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2018 ISSN 0973-4562
12 Mapping Ethical Writing Guidelines to Plagiarism Detection Heuristics Pp 1172-1177 Shikha Pandey1, Dr Arpana Rawal2 CSE Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 2019 ISSN 1943-023X
13 An NLP Based Plagiarism Detection Approach for Short Sentences Shikha Pandey1, Dr Arpana Rawal2 CSE International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2018 ISSN: 2277-3878
14 A review paper on awareness statistics on plagiarism among research scholar pp. 24-26 Shikha Pandey1, Dr Arpana Rawal2 CSE IEEE 10.1109/RTEICT.2016.7807774
15 A Distributed Framework for Event Log Analysis using MapReduce Sandeep Kumar Dewangan, Shikha Pandey 2016 EEE Explore, ISBN:978-1-5090-0772-1
16 Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data-set using Naive Bayes Algorithm Huma Parveen, Shikha Pandey CSE 2016 IEEE Explore, ISBN 978-1- 5090-2399-8
17 Single Key based Encryption and Embedding algorithm for Reversible Data Hiding RUPALI CHANDRAKAR,RASHMI SHRIVAS CSE IJEDR (International journal of engineering development and research) 2016 2321-9939
18 A Survey on Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image. 39,40,41 RUPALI CHANDRAKAR,RASHMI SHRIVAS CSE IJIACS (International Journal of Innovations and Advancement in Computer Science) 2016
19 Anomaly Detection in Microblogging Website Trending Topics through Linked Based Method Sachin Harne, Supriya Singh CSE IJRECE 2019 2393-9028
20 A Survey on Emerging Trend Analysis Using Micro Blogging Website Sachin Harne CSE JETIR 2019 2349-5162
21 Drowsiness Detection Multitasking Smart Vehicle Safety System at Low Budget Sachin Harne CSE IR 2019 2349-5163
22 Survey on Drowsy Detection/ Smart Vehicle and Security Implementation at Low Cost Sachin Harne CSE International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology 2019
23 Prediction and Optimization of Air Pollution Sachin Harne ,Pooja P.Raj CSE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2019 2349-5162
24 Prediction and Optimization of Air Pollution-A Review Paper Sachin Harne ,Pooja P.Raj CSE IJRASET23402 2019 2321-9653
25 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Sachin Harne, Kavita Patel CSE JETIR 2019 2349-5162
26 FOGGY IMAGE CLEARANCE AND VEHICLE NUMBER PLATE IDENTIFICATION USING PYTHON Kavita patel, Sachin harne CSE IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2020 2348-1269
27 A SURVEY PAPER ON OBJECT DETECTION SYSTEM WITH VOICE OUTPUT Vartika Shrivastava, Rahul Mishra, Sachin Harne CSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2020 533-537
28 Object Detection System with Voice Output Vartika Shrivastava, Rahul Mishra, Sachin Harne CSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2020 2349-5162
29 A Review paper on Various Image Enhancement Techniques Sachin Harne1, Dr. Siddhartha Choubey2 and Dr. Abha Choubey CSE Wesleyan Journal of Research 2021
30 Review - Convolutional Neural Network For Object Detection Neha Singh, Sachin Harne, Kusum Sharma CSE International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing 2021 2321 –4392
31 Identification of Objects For Visually Impaired Persons Using CNN Neha Singh, Sachin Harne, Kusum Sharma International Journal of Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) 2021 2321 – 404X
32 Data Security in Internet of Things (IOT) Sangeeta Pradhan, Shajid Ansari, Sachin Harne CSE International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science 2021 2394-2835
35 Discovery of Frequent Patterns from Web Log Data by using FP-Growth algorithm for Web Usage Mining Rahul Mishra CSE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2012
36 An Implementation of Hiding Audio Secure Data in Images using Steganography Somesh Kumar dewangan CSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2018
37 A Study Report on Image Segmentation Techniques Somesh Kumar dewangan CSE International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, 2017
38 Security Enhancement of Dynamic System Using PID Controller and Optimization Algorithm” Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE
39 Modified Genetic Algorithm for DNA Sequence Assembly by Shotgun and Hybridization Sequencing Techniques Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 2012
40 “Top-K Peer Selection Algorithm for Load Balancing" Somesh Kumar Dewangan Kailash Prasad Dewangan CSE International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering(IJE)CSE 2012
41 “Automated facial feature point Extraction Somesh Kumar DewanganArun Nagdeve CSE IJAIR 2012
42 Quality Aware Transaction Processing Framework for Mobile Computing Somesh Kumar Dewangan Kailash Prasad Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advance Innovative Research 2012
43 DNA sequencing by Hybridization and Shotgun sequencing Technique. Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE IJREISS 2012
44 Object Based geometrical and texture feature extraction of face from front view Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE IJARCS 2012
45 Using the Genetic Algorithm, Security Enhancement of Aircraft Landing Control System Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2012
46 Study and analysis of Indigenous Risk Impact Screen(IRIS) in alcohol presence using Textural features Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE) 2013
47 Comparative Study : Detection of Shadow and its Removal Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) 2013
48 Detection of Shadow and Its Removal along with the Edge Suppression Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA) 2013
49 Scanned encryption based video watermarking using DWT to improve security perspective Piracy in indian Cinema Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Science and research(IJSR) 2013
50 2D-DWT and Scanning based video watermarking to enhance security and heftiness Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2013
51 Layer-7DDos Flood Attack Detection Based on Document Rank Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2013
52 Anomaly Detection Using Pagerank Algorithm Somesh Dewangan CSE Internation Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 2013
53 Finite States Optimization On look – Ahead Deterministic Finite Automation Somesh Dewangan CSE Internationa journal of Computer Trends and Technolgy(IJCIT) 2013
54 A Study on Watermarking Technique for Authentication of Confidential Digital Image Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 2013
55 Collision Reduction in HTTP Compressed Traffic for Multipattern Matching Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies 2013
56 “Reducing HTTP collapse with Usage of Pattern Methods Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 2013
57 Auditing Window7 Registry Keys to track the traces left out in copying files from system to external USB Device Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE) 2014
58 Digital Forensic Identification, Collection, Examination and Decoding of Windows Registry Keys for Discovering User Activities Patterns Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 2014
59 An Enhanced Light-weight Proactive Source Routing Protocol using BFS and DFS for MANET Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 2014
60 High Security System provided by stegnanographic technique using palm and iris scan Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) 2014
61 Enhanced checkpointing algorithm for mobile applications Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science 2014
62 Prospective Utilization of Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Security: Authentication, Encryption and Decryption Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE Resarch Journal of Science and Technology 2014
63 “Cloud Based Smart Metering Security Access and Monitoring System in the Real Time Environment Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 2014
64 Natural Language Chhattisgarhi: A Literature Survey Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 2014
65 Protection against Low –Rate TCP-Targeted DoS Attack Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) 2014
66 Data Encryption Technique Using Random number and selective Encryption Algorithm Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research 2014
67 Performance Evolution of MR-AODV for MANET Under Various Attacks Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 2014
68 Architectural Based Security Mechanism in Internet of Things Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 2014
69 “Implementation Of Security Mechanism In Iot Platform Somesh Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 2017
70 A Survey On Remote Sensing Network Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 2017
71 A Study Report on Image Segmentation Techniques Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking 2017
72 Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery using Multiobjective Genetic Clustering Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, 2017
73 Application in Agro–Geoinformatics for Big Data International Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology 2018
74 A Review and Proposal of an Innovative Approach for Hiding Audio Secure Data in Images using Steganography Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology 2018
75 An Implementation of Hiding Audio Secure Data in Images using Steganography Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2018
76 Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing Imaginary using Multi objective Generic Clustering Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2018
77 Geo Informatics for Big Data Somesh Kumar Dewangan CSE International journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology 2018
78 A Review on Various Vehicle Speed Detection Techniques Prashant Singh Yadav, Sachin Harne, Rahul Mishra CSE International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science-IJAECS 2022 Volume-9, Issue-5 (May, 2022)
79 CNN Based Speed Estimation of Multiple Vehicles Prashant Singh Yadav, Sachin Harne, Rahul Mishra CSE International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) 2022 Volume-10, Issue-5 (May, 2022)


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